With the fall colors coming to a close and the fact that I got a new tripod to replace my 15+ year old one yesterday I decided I needed to get out today.
I had heard of Ettinger Falls from a friend and decided to check it out. I grabbed the details from here - http://nswaterfalls.blogspot.com/2012/07/ettinger-falls-three-mile-plains-hants.html and headed out. I had heard there was a gate that you should park outside of to avoid getting locked in but was not ready for the no trespassing signs that accompanied it. We saw other people parked and walking up and down the road so decided to risk it. For reference parking is located here - https://www.google.ca/maps/dir//44.9593315,-64.1117621/@44.9592302,-64.1119211,127m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!4m1!3e0
After parking we headed in which was a fairly easy uphill walk along a dirt road. Once you get close to the falls just after finishing the uphills and as the road goes right there are more no trespassing signs. Falls are located here - https://www.google.ca/maps/dir//44.9494435,-64.1071413/@44.9501566,-64.1092556,631m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!4m1!3e0 There was a very well beat down path to the falls which was only about 100ft. In the hour we were there we saw about a dozen other people so wasn’t too worried about trespassing.
There were lots of opportunities for photos of the main falls and lower and upper falls. I only did the main falls today so will definitely be back.
And here is my favorite photo of the day!
Ettinger Falls with Fall Leaf in the Foreground
And a couple of more that I liked.
Ettinger Falls with Leaf in Pool.
Ettinger Falls with Fall Plant.